Monday, November 9, 2009

Art410: Post #14

First community art event: The Yes Men Fix The World @ The Roxie Theatre...

So this last Wednesday, I finally had some free time on my hands and was lucky enough to have class end early in order to go see the Yes Men movie. The film was amazing, not only was it heavily informative, but it was witty and charismatic as well.

(SPOILER! Don't say I didn't warn you haha)
I thought it was great how Mike and Andy would always ask people if they were angry with their stunt. Like when they asked the people of Bhopal, India if they were angry with Mike and Andy for telling them that the Dow company was actually going to pay them back for their wrongdoings and then have it turn out that it wasn't true. Every time Mike and Andy would ask, they would get the same response, "no, we're actually happy you did it." People were grateful for the Yes Men's actions because it brought forth awareness to their devastation.

Another aspect of the film that I enjoyed was The New York Times stunt where the Yes Men and a group of others got together and successfully printed a mass amount of newspapers (labeled as The New York Times) with nothing but good news. The stunt was something purely positive and enlightening. With headlines like "Iraq War Over," people were left confused yet excited. I would love to get a copy of that newspaper, maybe it's online? I'll definitely have to look for it. Overall, the film is a definite must see, I've recommended it to my friends not in our class and they've responded truly intrigued.

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