Saturday, September 5, 2009

Art410: Post #2

While searching for a conceptual artist from Mexico, I encountered Francis Alÿs from Antwerp, Belgium. Although he isn't necessarily a native, he has lived in Mexico City since 1986. His preferred medium tends to be installations of videos, photographs, writings, paintings, and animation. One particular installation that I enjoyed very much was his short film named Paradox of Praxis 1 which is centered around a block of ice that he kicks around Mexico City until it melts completely. I haven't been able to find the actual film, but I've seen screen shots and it's truly magnificent. Apparently, Alÿs' intentions were to measure time and existence. Here is a couple of screen shots from Paradox of Praxis 1:

p.s. if you're interested in seeing more of Alÿs' works I'll post links on my Delicious account, so check that out!

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