Thursday, September 10, 2009

Art410: Post #3

Hmm... ideas for my Google Earth project...

My friend Francisco and I might be going down to Three Rivers, CA for my friend Natalia's wedding this weekend on the 12th. Perhaps I could map out our route to the wedding along with all the pit-stops we're bound to make. That could be a good presentation, right?

Another idea that's been floating in mind has been a Google Earth presentation on my favorite top 10 shows I've ever been to. I've taken photos and videos of practically every concert I've been to, so it'll only be a matter of gathering everything together. It'd be nice to have something visually organized, I've always wanted to create some sort of scrapbook that contained all of my ticket stubs, photos, and souvenirs from over the years. This could be a small step towards that goal of mine. We'll see what happens!

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